
Sunday 25 August 2013

How to use trial version of the software after trial date

we have lots of software(IDM,antivirus s/w etc) of trial version,and after trail date the s/w stop working. and it wont work after re-installing the is a trick which will allow you to use the s/w as a trial after trial period.
1. open run and type regedit.
2. a window will pop-up. before doing anything go to the file option and import the bakup file to a specific file. this is the backup of the registry settings in case of any problem we can restore the setting from this file.
regedit go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> SOFTWARE this folder contain all the files which we have already installed on the system or copy of the software which is uninstalled.
regedit after uninstalling the trial version of the software remove the folder of the software from here,now re-install the software and use its trial version again without formatting your system..

enjoy the tricks

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Google Fun Tricks

Google Gravity

If you want to have an experience of no gravity,this google trick let you an experience of this. To do so go to Google search page, and in the search box type google gravity and click on I am feeling lucky button.or click on the title.
Google fun trick

Google Mirror

It creates mirror image of the page. Go to google search page and type google mirror and click on I am feeling lucky button. You will see the result.or click on the title.
Google fun trick

do a barrel roll

It rotate the page 360. to see this  Go to google search page and type do a barrel roll and click on I am feeling lucky button. You will see the result. or click on the title.
Google fun trick

Google Askew

This trick Tilt the page little. Go to google search page and type askew and click on search button. You will see the result. or click on the title.
Google fun trick

Google Epic

This trick will make the page growing bigger and bigger.To do so  Go to google search page and type google epic and click on I am feeling lucky button. You will see the result. or click on the title.
Google fun trick

Google sphere

This trick rotates the elements in spherical order. To do so  Go to google search page and type Google sphere and click on I am feeling lucky button. You will see the result. or click on the title.
Google fun trick

enjoy the tricks..

Monday 5 August 2013

Product & Inventors

Here some name of System platform and their developer on inventor name, they are....

System                                    Developer

Unix                                                                                 Dennis Ritchie

MS-dos                                                                            Tim Paterson

Linux                                                                                Linus Torvalds

Ubuntu                                                                             Mark Shuttleworth

Google                                                                      Larry Page & Sergey Brin

FaceBook                                                                       Mark Zukerberg

C                                                                                    Dennis Ritchie

Java                                                                                James Gosling

C++                                                                                Bjarne Stroustrup

Yahoo                                                                       Jerry Yang and David Filo

Microsoft                                                                             Bill Gates

Apple                                                              Steve Jobs,Ronald Wayne & Steve Wozniak

Mac Os                                                                              Steve Jobs
mac os

Oracle                                                             Bob Miner, Ed Oates & Larry Ellison

Sun Microsystems                                             Vinod Khosla, Scott G. McNealy,
                                                                    Andy Bechtolsheim,Vaughan Ronald & Bill Joy
Sun Microsystem

Problem Step Recorder

In win 7  there is a utility named Problem  Step reduces the over head of taking snapshots of any problem or testing process.

  • to use this utility open Start menu and in search box type psr .

  • click on psr a new window will open
  • now click on start record and minimize this window,and do your work,after that click stop record
  • an zip file will be created and it contain an MHTML(MIME html) file.
  • this file has snapshots of every click(mouse or keyboard) which you have used during recording.

enjoy the trick..

Saturday 6 July 2013

Windows 7 Aero desktop

Aero desktop is the best feature of windows 7. It creates a 3D view of the windows.
to see this feature open some windows and hold ctrl+window key+tab

Aero desktop

window key

enjoy the trick....

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Open Command prompt any where in the folder directly

While running java software or doing some system work we have to open command prompt in the partcular folder. To do so we open the cmd and set the path to the particular folder. But there is a trick which can open cmd anywhere in the folder

1. first go to the folder where you want to open the Command Prompt.
2.hold the shift key and right click  on the free space of the folder.
Open cmd anywhere
3. click on the open command window here option
4. a cmd window will open with the path to this folder.
enjoy the trick.

To disable the windows GUI boot option..

To disable the windows XP/VISTA/7/8  GUI boot option
follow the steps
Disable GUI boot

1. goto start-> run-> type msconfig
2. a System Configuration window will pop-up
3. go to under boot option.
Disable GUI boot

4. check mark on No GUI boot
5. to control the timeout screen set the value of timeout in seconds. on Apply and then ok.
now reboot ur system..
Enjoy the trick